Everything else I have ends up via LINX/LONAP, so looking for something which will give me different paths 07:58:03 PM Octoin reply to kooky_uk.so looking at alternative paths to the same networks 09:06:12 PM Octoin reply to RobinJPickering Correct, I have paths via LINX/LONAP covered.06:01:03 PM Octoin reply to NoRouteToHost Thanks for the suggestions, I will take a look at them.Assuming everything else is setup correctly there is a global option to allow IPv6, if its unche… 11:04:15 AM Novemin reply to BradinTN.RT Just in case Twitter does go down… 01:52:18 AM November 19, 2022.Still have an original Pi going strong 04:45:42 PM Januin reply to ThePiHut Perfect for identifying duplicate images, image verification, and deploying your own reverse image search solutions.I think they slightly missed April 1st 😂 06:59:56 PM Apin reply to nixcraft.It will not display information about a specific image, instead you will see all the copies of the uploaded image available on the internet. RT 10K FOLLOWER GIVEAWAY 🎉🎈🎁To celebrate 10K followers on Twitter, we're giving away 3x Raspberry Pi Foundation tote ba… 07:24:46 PM May 15, 2023 TinEye Reverse Image Search TinEye is a renowned search tool in this field (reverse image search) and it is dedicated for finding similar images.TinEye is the first image search engine on the web to use image identification technology rather than keywords, metadata or watermarks. You can submit an image to TinEye to find out where it came from, how it is being used, if modified versions of the image exist, or to find higher resolution versions. Its also useful if you have an image and want to see if you can get it in a higher resolution. I could upload it to TinEye and get the original image So say I saw this and wanted to to find the original image.

Its search engine however instead of typing text of what you want to search for you upload or provide a link to an image you want to look for and it will find images based on that imageįor example you see someone has posted a picture of their desktop that you like the back ground image to however it has icons, etc on it, you can upload it to TinEye and if an image that looks the same is in its database then it will show you list of results. I was browsing the internet the other day and I came across this site and thought it was very useful so I thought I would post it up here